Automatic Pneumatic Drain Valves for Reliable Air System Maintenance

  • electronic drain valve

Drain valves are essential for removing condensation and excess water vapor that could eventually damage your compressor or pneumatic systems. The Expello Electronic Drain Valve provides increased durability and reliability for constant protection from build-up of harmful contaminants in air tanks on mobile vehicles. Universal Power Conversion is a premier supplier of Pneumatic Expello Drain Valves, Electronic Expello Drain Valves and Expello Shop Drain Valves. Expello drain valves clean automatically and are corrosion-resistant for easy maintenance and extended operation life.
Browse our selection of Expello drain valves below,  request a quote on the drain valves you need or contact UPC to learn more.

  • Automatically cleans air systems
  • Purges moisture and contaminants from air tanks
  • 1-second blast every 5 minutes
  • Compact design fits air tanks on all trucks and buses
  • Replaces manual drain petcocks (never pull another chain to drain the tank)
  • Prevents freeze-ups with 50-Watt heater
  • Prevents brake drum damage
  • Prevents cylinder corrosion
  • Prevents sticking valves and loss of lubrication
  • Reduces noise and vibration due to contaminated air systems
  • Full One-Year Warranty

Keep in mind that no system eliminates all the moisture from the wet tank all the time.

Expello Data Sheets

Expello Drain Valve Flyer

Expello Drain Valve Flyer

Expello Electronic Drain Valve

Expello Electronic Drain Valve

Expello Pneumatic Drain Valve

Expello Pneumatic Drain Valve

Expello Shop Drain Valve

Expello Shop Drain Valve

Expello Shop Drain Valve Spec

Expello Shop Drain Valve Spec