Renu Electronics

  • Renu

Renu is an ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001: 004 Certified, privately held, limited liability company doing business in the area of Industrial Electronics and Factory Floor Automation.

Their major strengths are in Engineering, Device Driver Development and Customization of products.

They started with designing and development of Industrial Automation products to meet customer specific requirements.  Since then they have had a grown to 175+ employees and a 45,000+ square feet building which contains a state of the art Production facility, Test Lab, and Engineering facilities.

Headquartered in Pune, India with a Regional Office in Illinois, USA, Universal Power Conversion is proud to distribute Renu Electronics products. 

We offer the following Renu Electronics Products

Flexipanels® HMI with I/Os

Renu Electronics Flexipanels


Flexipanels® HMI with I/Os


Flexipanels® WinCE Based

Renu Electronics WinCE Based Flexipanels


Flexipanels® MicroPLC Series

Gateway Series